Summer Garden 2022

Our first real summer here in our garden and what a contrast from just a couple of months ago. All my tiny plants have put on so much growth and are flowering profusely! I’m so happy with this variety of Lamb’s ears (Stachys bizantina). The feverfew, (Tanacetum parthenium) is taking over the whole garden, but I love that!

A riot of colour, penstemons, (Penstemon barbatos) and Californian poppies, (Eschscholzia californica) in our backyard.

The snowpeas, (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum) kept us in a stir fries and salads for months. The parsley, (Petroselinum crispum) made the bunnies very happy too!

One of the most glorious sweet, scented flowers, the Christmas lily, (Lilium regale), bloomed for many months. I am very pleased with the foliage and ease of division.

One of my favoutites are cornflowers, (Centaurea cyanus), these grew so tall and the first time I’ve seen white and red ones in flower.

Filed under Ramblings

whimsical landscapes populated with animals and people. Art for the home and office. "I'm Grace, an Australian artist and illustrator living and working in Rosebery, West Coast Tasmania.