Making Odd Calico Dolls

I started making handmade dolls for the simple reason that I needed to find a tactile hobby after work hours. I worked in animation as head of production design, designing characters, props and backgrounds. The job, although creative, required me to use a computer all day and I was really missing the feel of working with real materials.

The first dolls I made were bunnies from calico with little button eyes and embroidered faces.

I found a wonderful online group called Art Dolls Only, where I met talented doll makers from world om around and learned many tricks and techniques.

In 2006 I opened my first online shop with Etsy and to my surprise, my dolls sold straight away!

I was so chuffed that people from all parts of the world loved my work, and I was inspired to diversify my range of calico dolls and designed a quirky little elephant!

As time passed, I soon found myself with a library of doll and bear books, magazines, patterns and a small collection of other artists dolls and I was making cats, bears, donkey’s, Tigers, Tasmanian Devils, Bilby’s, Quolls and Bandicots

Last year I wrote a post about how I make my Quoll figures. You can read about them here

I have a passion for vintage, old toys and stories of attic dolls and lost things! I soon found myself purchasing or small vintage items for props to tell a photographic story behind each doll.

I have toyed with the idea of stop making them as I also work full time as a career artist, but they are so much fun!!

I designed all the tiny tailoring, much of which was inspired by researching vintage knitting magazines for dolls clothes.

I experimented with Christmas ornament cardigan patterns, decreasing and increasing stitches to retro fit my odd shaped dolls with their short arms.

Filed under Ramblings, Sewing

whimsical landscapes populated with animals and people. Art for the home and office. "I'm Grace, an Australian artist and illustrator living and working in Rosebery, West Coast Tasmania.