(makes 4 pizza bases)

What do I Need
2 x sachets of dried yeast
350 ml water
3 Tbsp Olive oil
4 Tbsp milk
4 cups of plain flour. (2 cups wholemeal and 2 cups plain) + extra for dusting
2 tsp sea salt
What to do
In a large bowl, combine water, olive oil, milk and yeast. Give it a whisk.
Add flour a little at a time, using a dough scraper to fold in the flour.
If your dough is too sticky add more flour, until you get a good consistency.
Flour your work bench and begin to knead your dough. I like to repeatedly slap mine onto the bench and roll up for 5 minutes.
Form your dough into a ball and place into an oiled glass bowl, cover with a wet tea towel. Leave to rise in a warm spot for one hour.
After the dough has doubled in size, poke several holes into your dough and sprinkle in the salt. Turn out onto a floured bench and give a quick kneading before rolling out into a sausage shape and divide into four even balls.
Line your pizza trays with baking paper and roll out your dough to fit the tray, cover with cling film and allow to rest for 30 minutes before putting your choice of pizza topping.