Dutch Iris (holandica x iridaceae) Last Autumn, I planted a small mix of Dutch Iris throughout the garden. They grew and flowered beautifully, the flowers lasted for a long time. Now they have finished blooming and the foliage is beginning to yellow it’s time to stop watering, wait for the leaves to die down and snip at ground level. Then decide whether to lift them to replant next Autumn or leave them in the ground.
Companion plants to put in for next year. Alliums, tulips. peonies, Anaphalis margaritacea, late dafodils, lupins and larkspurs.

Serena Louise, bearded iris. I purchased this beauty from Van Demon Quality Bulbs (VDQ) last Autumn. I planted her straight away, between two rose plants at the front of the house. The soil is not so good there, large rocks need to be lifted out. The day she flowered was a splendid sight but, I will need to find her a better place.
I have three other irises; one could be ‘Blowing Kisses’, another may be Germanico Bicolour, and another is a mystery.